6 July 2023

Recognizing Anthrax Happening in Gunungkidul, Occurring After Residents Eat Buried Beef

By Patty


BONSERNEWS.com – Anthrax is an animal disease caused by a bacterium named Bacillus anthracis.

Although quite rare, this disease has the potential to be serious and can affect humans as well as animals.

In this article, you will be presented with more information about anthrax, its symptoms, methods of transmission and treatment.

Also Read: Dangerous but Not As Contagious as the Flu, Here Are Three Groups at High Risk of Getting Anthrax!

Definition and Types of Anthrax

Anthrax is a disease caused by exposure to B. anthracis bacteria. There are three common forms of anthrax:

1. Anthrax Cutaneus: The most common form of anthrax, occurs when B. anthracis spores enter the skin through a cut or abrasion. This causes lesions that appear like boils with red areas that harden and itch.

Also Read: Need to Watch Out! Following are the Symptoms and Causes of 4 Types of Anthrax that Can Affect Humans

2. Anthrax Inhalation: This is the most dangerous and rare form. Occurs when a person inhales airborne B. anthracis spores, usually associated with exposure in certain workplaces. The symptoms are flu-like at first, but then progress to shortness of breath, high fever and severe respiratory distress.

3. Gastrointestinal anthrax: This form occurs when a person eats meat contaminated with B. anthracis spores. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Transmission and Risk Factors

Anthrax can be transmitted through direct or indirect exposure to B. anthracis spores. Some risk factors that can increase the likelihood of anthrax infection include:

1. Contact with animals or animal products infected with anthrax, such as animal skins, wool or bones.

2. Work in the agricultural or livestock sector.