26 June 2023

How long is the incubation period and what are the sources of transmission of Rabies? See Full Description

By Patty


BONSERNEWS.com – Rabies (mad dog disease) is an acute infectious disease that attacks the central nervous system in humans and warm-blooded animals caused by the rabies virus, transmitted through saliva (dogs, cats, monkeys) who get rabies by biting or through open wounds.

The incubation period in animals infected with rabies is between 3-8 weeks. While the incubation period in humans varies, usually 2-8 weeks, sometimes 10 days to 2 years, but the average incubation period is 2-18 weeks.

The source of transmission of rabies is dogs as the main source of transmission. Besides that, it can also be transmitted by cats and monkeys.

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Abroad, in addition to the 3 animals above, it can also be transmitted through animal bites such as wolves, bats, skunks, and racoons.

The attack power of the rabies virus is as follows; After the rabies virus enters the human body through an animal (dog) bite, for about 2 weeks the virus will remain at the entry point and or near the bite site.

Furthermore, the virus will move to the ends of the posterior nerve fibers without showing any change in function.

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Along the way to the brain, the rabies virus will multiply / divide (replicate). Then it reaches the brain with the maximum number of viruses, then it spreads widely to all parts of the neurons.

This virus will enter the limbic cells, hypothalamus, and brainstem. After multiplying in the central neurons, the rabies virus will move throughout the organs and tissues of the body to multiply, such as the adrenals, kidneys, lungs, liver and will then attack other body tissues.